Tooth Extractions Lillington
A Safer Way to Say Goodbye to Unhealthy Teeth
Once your permanent teeth erupt, the goal is to keep them for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if poor oral hygiene or dental damage occurs. Should this happen to you, Dr. Butler can safely remove the tooth without any additional discomfort. He can also extract partially erupted and impacted wisdom teeth should you have a teenager in need of help. Our team will remain by your side throughout the process, so call us if you have questions about tooth extractions in Lillington.
Why Choose Lillington Dental Care for Tooth Extractions?
- Same-Day Dental Emergency Appointments
- Dental Patients of All Ages Welcome
- Compassionate Dental Team by Your Side
When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

Although it is not common for us to recommend tooth extractions, we may suggest it if:
- You have a decayed tooth that cannot be treated with a root canal, and it’s putting healthy teeth at risk.
- You have suffered dental damage, and the tooth cannot be saved.
- You require orthodontics but lack the necessary space to treat overcrowding.
- Your little one’s baby tooth will not fall out on its own, but the permanent one is trying to erupt.
- You are dealing with advanced gum disease, and it’s causing one or more teeth to become loose.